Wednesday, March 10, 2010

diamond today

-A diamond's beauty is its selling quality and can differentiate between diamonds graded alike – that something that makes an exceptional diamond outshine the others. In this article, you’ll learn an introduction to technology that analyzes diamond properties.

-Before a diamond gets the EGL USA "stamp of approval" and receives a certificate, it goes through the hands of at least eight professionals, four of which are trained gemologists. It takes a minimum of five graders just to grade the color and clarity of each diamond.Color grading involves carefully comparing the ungraded diamond, under scientifically calibrated lighting conditions, to a special master set of diamonds with known color grades. The nuances between colors grades are very subtle, and color grading requires extremely accurate color vision. Two color graders plus a final grader must agree on the color of the diamond before the color grade is assigned. for more information about diamond color.
Clarity grading can be a bit like searching for the proverbial "needle in the haystack." A diamond's clarity grade is determined by examining its interior and exterior for visible identifying characteristics. EGL USA clarity graders look for inclusions (internal) and blemishes (external features) with aid of a zoom binocular microscope equipped with special lighting. Working in a methodical fashion, clarity graders peer through each of the many facets of a diamond to look for these identifying features. for more information about diamond clarity. Cut quality is considered to be the most important factor in making a diamond look brilliant and beautiful. Evaluating and grading the cut quality of a diamond involves careful examination of how a diamond has been proportioned and cut. Using the width of the diamond as a constant, the size of the table, the crown height and crown angle, the pavilion depth and pavilion angle, the total depth, and the girdle size are measured as percentages of the width. In addition, the quality of the surface polish and the symmetry of each diamond are thoroughly scrutinized. All of this information is clearly listed on an EGL USA diamond certificate.Round brilliant cut diamonds look best when cut within a certain range of proportions. Based on this information and its own research over a quarter of a century, EGL USA designed a special Diamond Analysis Report, which summarizes all of a diamond's cutting information in the form of a final "cut grade." This special EGL USA report is the ultimate "report card" for diamond cut analysis.Cl to see a sample of a Diamond Analysis Report. for more information about diamond cut.

Clarity refers to how free a diamond is from nature's "birthmarks," or tiny, generally microscopic imperfections that make each diamond unique. Diamonds are assigned clarity grades based on what can be detected with ten-power magnification. Most internal features (inclusions) and external features (blemishes) in the diamond have little or no effect on brilliance and fire. So if small clarity characteristics don't affect a diamond's beauty, why are diamonds with higher clarity grade so expensive? It's simply because diamonds with relatively few clarity characteristics are very rare. Fortunately, diamonds of all clarity grades and prices, including those with eye-visible inclusions, can look beautiful depending on how well they're cut and other factors. The best advice is to look at several diamonds of different clarity grades and let your eye be the guide!These charts below will provide the definition of clarity grades and give you some idea of how clarity grades compare to one another. Remember, trained professionals perform clarity grading under ten-power binocular magnification and the average person would have a harder time locating clarity characteristics.

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